Content Marketing for Your Website

Content marketing for your website is good for SEO, at least that’s what someone told you but do they really know what they’re talking about?

The idea that articles and blog posts are what you need on your website to achieve good rankings in Google is an idea that has been around for years. I know because there was a time when I made some nice money writing those articles and blog posts for a variety of websites … and they worked.

But do articles and blog posts still work so well? Are they something that you should invest your time or money in? As with many aspects of content and SEO there is no definite answer because it all just depends.

It all depends on how much effort goes into creating that written content.

People or Google?

Who are you targeting with your content, real people or Google? Google wants to see content that is relevant and helpful for the people who use your website. The people who use your website want to see content that is helpful and relevant for them.

If you are consciously targeting Google with your content, then it is a real possibility that you’re missing the people who may want to buy what you are selling

Are you being helpful?

The people who read the written content that you place on your website do so because they are looking for information or answers to problems that they are having.

Is what you write helpful? Does it answer their questions? Does it provide them with the answers they are looking for? Or is it a lightweight collection of words that don’t say much at all?

Do you give them all the information they need, or will they need to go to other sites for what you didn’t tell them?

Written content and Google

If you provide relevant, timely and easily read written content for your website, whether it be pages or blog posts, and you keep doing that regularly, then that written content will have some impact on your website’s rankings in Google. It will also affect the people who read it.

And that’s the secret to effective content marketing for your website. Make sure that your content is helpful and relevant, and it will help your Google rankings and your target market. Aim your written content at Google and your results will ultimately show that you’ve been wasting your time.